A Lick of Frost

Meredith Gentry #6

by Laurell K. Hamilton

Ballantine Books

Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction / Fantasy

October 23, 2007

ISBN-13: 034549590X

Available in: Hardcover

A Lick of Frost
by Laurell K. Hamilton

Laurell K. Hamilton is one of the fastest growing authors of fiction writing today. Her beloved and bestselling novels feature passionate, courageous heroines who inhabit a contemporary world that has been infiltrated by magic who must fight fierce battles in order to ensure their survival.

In A Lick of Frost, the suspenseful and sexy saga of Meredith Gentry continues. Her aunt, the dark Queen Andais, has commanded Merry, who is half-mortal, half-faerie princess, to attempt to conceive a child, an heir to succeed her on the throne. One by one, consorts have come to her bed to help her save her claim—and her life.

Now Merry has left the faeries society to return to Los Angeles, accompanied by her bodyguards, where she will continue in her efforts to conceive an heir. But Merry and her lovers will be caught between the dark and light courts of faerie and human law. And all facets of her life will inevitably bring her face to face with a fate worse than death.

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Laurell K. Hamilton's Bio

Laurell K. Hamilton is the bestselling author of the acclaimed Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novels. She lives in Arnold, Missouri, with her husband, her daughter, two attack pugs, three birds, and a partridge in a pear tree.