Charming Jo

by Laura Drewry

Self Published

Historical Romance

July 30, 2011


Available in: e-Book

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Charming Jo
by Laura Drewry

Joanna McCaine needs to fence in her land, and if she doesn’t get it done before round up, there’s no telling how many more of her herd will ‘mysteriously’ vanish. Seems most men in this town can’t abide being bossed by a woman, no matter how good she is at it, so she’s forced to hire the only cowboy available; the one who’s been run off almost every other ranch in the county.

Levi Travers has never met a woman he couldn’t charm at least a kiss out of, and he doesn’t expect those MCaine women to be any different. The younger one is as sweet and pretty as a spring flower, but that Joanna. . .she’s proving to be a might more ornery than he’d expected. And he sure as hell wasn’t expecting her uncle to have such a hard left hook.

Time and hard work reveal a different Travers, one who would willingly give up every other girl in a pretty dress if it meant he could spend one more hour in the mud with Joanna. But given what she knows about him, how can she ever believe he wants more than a quick turn in the barn, especially when he can scarcely believe it himself? And when her sister gets involved, it seems there’s no hope of Travers ever redeeming himself again.

Laura Drewry's Bio

The first book Laura ever owned was On the Banks of Plum Creek, which still sits up on the top shelf with the rest of the Little House series. She blames her mother for her book addiction because it was her mother who always had a couple books on the go at the same time, and who used to read and watch The Edge of Night at the same time.

Laura had been scribbling things for years before she decided to seriously sit down and write. It helped that she and her husband had just moved 700 km away from their families, it was the dead of winter and she was about 49 months pregnant with their second child, all of which gave her the excuse she needed to hunker down and get at it.

Her books have been described as “delightful,” “clever,” and “smart, sassy and refreshingly different.”

After spending eight years in the Canadian north, Laura now lives back home in southwestern British Columbia with her husband, three sons, a turtle named Sheldon and an extremely energetic German Shepherd. She loves old tattered books, good movies, country music and the Yankees.