Bound by Steel

Emissaries of Belthalas #2

by Kirsten Saell

Samhain Publishing

Paranormal Romance, Paranormal Romance: Fantasy, Sensual: Paranormal

August 4, 2009

ISBN-10: 1605043338

ISBN-13: 9781605043333

Available in: Trade Size

Bound by Steel
by Kirsten Saell

A night of brutality destroyed her innocence...can the love of two people heal her wounded spirit?

"I've been thinking about Kaela..."

There they are—the words that lead Gil to suspect his wife Lianon is falling in love with Kaela, the beautiful, traumatized young woman they rescued from certain death six months ago. Gil has no idea how to compete with a woman for his wife's affections, and part of him ceases to care as Kaela begins to work her way under his skin.

Kaela's sweet innocence fills a chasm in Lianon's soul she hadn't even realized was there. As she gently helps Kaela rebuild her shattered confidence, Lianon begins to believe healing the young woman's wounded spirit could be the key to wholeness for all three of them. If Gil agrees to follow her lead and help Kaela discover her own feminine power.

But even as they all succumb to their growing desire, Gil and Lianon are drawn against their will back into the intrigues and vendettas of Belthalas' elite. With Lianon's life at stake, Gil must weave a dangerous path between one adversary's ambition and another's lust for vengeance.

Success will save Lianon...but could cost them Kaela.

Other Books by Kirsten Saell

Kirsten Saell's Bio

Kirsten Saell lives in a small town on the coast of British Columbia, Canada, with her husband, three kids, one fat, stupid dog and 16,000 rabid dust bunnies. Although cursed by day to a thankless existence slinging hash at a local eatery, she allowed herself to be convinced by her English Lit professor that she possessed some small flair for putting words together. This dovetailed nicely with Kirsten's philosophy in life—if you're going to do something difficult, it might as well be something you're good at, and you love, and you can do while drinking beer in your jim-jams.

Kirsten's first book, Crossing Swords, will be published by Samhain in March, 2008, and she is currently working on several related projects. Though Kirsten's stories are primarily erotic romance, they reflect a lifelong love of epic fantasy, as well as an ever-burgeoning disdain for the food service industry—that is, they abound with heroes and villains, good and evil, a general spirit of mayhem and some of the most unsavory cuisine you'll find between the virtual pages of an ebook.