White Sheets & Rosy Cheeks

by Katie Mettner


Contemporary Romance

June 3, 2016

Available in: Paperback, e-Book

White Sheets & Rosy Cheeks
by Katie Mettner

Eli Sheets is staring at a ghost. Not in the proverbial sense, of course, but the house in front of him might as well be one. He hadn't heard from his Uncle Sal in years until a letter arrived that would change his life forever.

Diana Forrester didn't see Eli Sheets coming. Her new neighbor is young, handsome, and a doting dad, but his lonely eyes remind her of her own.

Haunted by his uncle's disappearance a decade ago, Eli knows he must walk through the dilapidated doors of 617 South Beltrane Avenue and uncover the secrets within. To do that, Uncle Sal enlists the help of a three-year-old clairvoyant to lead her daddy to the answers and to show him love is worth a second chance.

Inclusions: Burn victim heroine from domestic abuse

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Katie Mettner's Bio

Katie Mettner wears the title of 'the only person to lose her leg after falling down the bunny hill' and loves decorating her prosthetic leg to fit the season. She lives in Northern Wisconsin with her own happily-ever-after and spends the day writing romantic stories with her sweet puppy by her side. Katie has an addiction to coffee and dachshunds and a lessening aversion to Pinterest --- now that she's quit trying to make the things she pins.