Kiss Of Fire

by Deborah Cooke


Paranormal Romance

February 12, 2008

ISBN-13: 9780451223272

Available in: Paperback

Kiss Of Fire
by Deborah Cooke

Deborah Cooke's Bio

Deborah Cooke has always been fascinated with dragons, although she has never understood why they have to be the bad guys. She has an honors degree in history, with a focus on medieval studies. She is an avid reader of medieval vernacular literature, fairy tales and fantasy novels, and has written over thirty romance novels under the names Claire Cross and Claire Delacroix.

Deborah makes her home in Canada with her husband. When she isn't writing, she can be found knitting, sewing or hunting for vintage patterns. For a list of writers' workshops she teaches, visit Workshops on the Delacroix site. She posts most weekdays to her blog, Alive & Knitting.