Day Zero

Stronghold Book 2

by Chris Jayne

Inferis Press

Science Fiction / Fantasy

October 9, 2020

Available in: e-Book

Day Zero
by Chris Jayne

NAVY SEAL DEACON HALE is on vacation. But when planes start falling out of the sky, he knows everything around him is going to change in a hurry.

MIAMI CATERER LORI DOVNER, on the run from a madman, is nearly to the safe haven of her sister’s Montana farm when the world goes dark. Through only the slimmest chance, Deacon knows where she is. But of all the people in the world, Deacon is the last person Lori wants to rescue her.

MAFIOSO RAOUL SALDATA will catch Lori Dovner and her two children, and the last thing he will do is kill them. Quite nearly to his prize, fate intervenes.

Can Deacon, trying to navigate a world gone mad, reach Lori before Saldata does? With no electricity, no phones, no cars, no computers, who will survive Day Zero?

Day Zero: Stronghold Book 2’ continues, minute by minute, the new world that Lori, Deacon and Lori’s sister Louise must now navigate. Who will survive in a postapocalyptic landscape where any rules can be broken?

Chris Jayne's Bio

Could it happen? Would you survive? Chris Jayne is author of the apocalyptic EMP series Stronghold. Jayne is also the penname of a USA Today bestselling romance and thriller author who is has started asking "what if?" What if the lights go off? What if the food supply chain just... stops? The world could become an unfriendly place in a hurry. Three years ago, Chris began exploring the 'prepper' lifestyle, and hopes that if TEOTWAWKI would actually happen, she would be in a position to protect her family and loved ones. She now spends her days splitting her time between her romance writing and her apocalyptic and dystopian fiction novels. Because what's more fun than imagining the end of the world from the comfort of your couch? And if the end of the world has a few sexy Navy Seals in it? All the better! She loves writing stories exploring how ordinary people cope with extraordinary circumstances, especially situations where the normal comforts, conveniences, and rules are stripped away.