Warrior in Her Bed

by Cathleen Galitz

Silhouette (Desire)

Contemporary Romance: Category Romance, Sensual: Category Romance

April 1, 2003

ISBN-13: 0373765061

Available in: Paperback

Warrior in Her Bed
by Cathleen Galitz

Annie Wainright hoped teaching on an isolated Native American reservation would bring peace to her troubled soul. But that was before she came face-to-face with the most compelling man she'd ever known — a man who made it clear he didn't want her there.... John Lonebear, an ex-marine who had returned to make his home a better place, was as harsh and unyielding as the land he loved. And yet even he could not deny the wildfire heat that blazed between him and this unwelcome stranger.

She wanted to believe love could build a bridge between their worlds. But what would happen when he learned about the new life their love had created?

Cathleen Galitz's Bio

Cathleen Galitz is a Wyoming native who teaches English to seventh through twelfth graders in a rural school that houses kindergartners and seniors in the same building. She lives in a small Wyoming town with her husband, two children, and five cats. When not busy writing or teaching, she can most often be found hiking or snowmobiling in the Wind River Mountains just out her back door.