Winter Heat

Operation Hook-Up

by Bobbi Romans

Shara Azod, LLC

Contemporary Romance: Sensual

February 23, 2015


Available in: e-Book

Winter Heat
by Bobbi Romans

When Rayanna won the ski trip she thought she’d hit the jackpot. She had no idea how right she’d be. This trip took all inclusive to steamy new levels. But that’s the whole idea of…

“Operation Hook-Up; You Book Em, We Hook Em”

Bobbi Romans' Bio

What can I say? Life’s nutty and we’re all just winging it. But who else do you know that has CrawDads getting Jiggy?

Current favorite shows? Am a Trubie through and through! From the Charlaine Harris novels to the HBO Series. Another “Guilty Pleasure” is Showtimes “Gigolos”.

Yeah, I’m quirky...there’s just no getting around it!