The Prince with a Hole in his Heart

by Barri Bryan

New Concepts Publishing

Sensual: Fantasy

February 4, 2004

ISBN-13: 0000000019

Available in: e-Book

The Prince with a Hole in his Heart
by Barri Bryan

Melancholy Prince Evander sets out on a quest to find his heart's desire, the fair maiden who can lift his spirits, and mend the hole in his heart. He travels incognito and in the company of one Willie Wraskel, a defrocked wizard with a quick wit and a questionable past. Together Evander and Willie encounter adventure and adversity as they romp through bedrooms, harems and brothels in search of Evander's true love.

Barri Bryan's Bio

Billie and Herb Houston have been writing as a team since 1990. Billie is a former teacher and educator. She holds an undergraduate degree in history and a graduate degree in educational psychology from The University Of Texas at San Antonio. Herb is a former teacher, computer programmer and technical writer for the Air Force. He holds a degree in education from Trinity College in Fort Worth, Texas.

Billie and Herb write the kind of books they enjoy reading -- stories about relationships; stories that explore feelings and probe emotions. The plots revolve around ordinary people caught in extraordinary circumstances and faced with difficult decisions.