Murder On Ice

by Alina Adams

Prime Crime

Mystery: Cozy

November 4, 2003

ISBN-13: 0425193071

Available in: Paperback

Murder On Ice
by Alina Adams

In the spotlight: the all-new figure skating mystery series. From the author of Sarah Hughes: Skating to the Stars. Figure skating is a cutthroat world. Just ask Rebecca "Bex" Levy, figure skating researcher for the 24/7 skating network-and Prime Crime's newest sleuth.

Alina Adams' Bio

Alina Adams has worked as a figure skating researcher for ABC Sports, ESPN, and TNT's coverage of the 1998 Olympics. She was also a writer/feature producer for NBC's "StarSkates" series, and a Contributing Editor to "International Figure Skating Magazine." Alina has written four novels and a non-fiction books, Inside Figure Skating. She is also the author of Sarah Hughes: Skating to the Stars.