Worth the Wait

Kingston Ale House Series #4

by A. J. Pine

Entangled Publishing (Select Contemporary)

Contemporary Romance

January 16, 2017

ISBN-10: 1682813657

ISBN-13: 9781682813652

Available in: e-Book, Trade Size

Read an Excerpt

Worth the Wait
by A. J. Pine

He’ll do anything to be her Mr. Right.

I like to think of myself as a man of pleasure…

I enjoy a good pint of ale, being in the arms of a beautiful woman, and living by my own rules. The only thing I try to avoid? Commitment. And I’ve got a three-year success rate to prove it.

I wasn’t planning on Grace—the beautiful, funny, totally off-limits massage therapist who keeps popping up in my life. She’s on a six-month mission to rid her life of toxins. No alcohol. No red meat. And, yeah, no men. I’m talking full-on man cleanse.

I know I should walk away, but I can’t…and the only way to keep her in my life is to live by her rules. I’ll need to prove to a woman who’s lost all trust in men that I’m worthy of her love. And do it all without so much as a single kiss.

The only problem? If I win, I’ll lose the one thing I swore I’d never give up. My heart.

A. J. Pine's Bio

AJ Pine writes stories to break readers' hearts, but don't worry---she'll mend them with a happily ever after. As an English teacher and a librarian, AJ has always surrounded herself with books. All her favorites have one big commonality---romance. Naturally, her books have the same. When she's not writing, she's of course reading. Then there's online shopping (everything from groceries to shoes) and a tiny bit of TV where she nourishes her undying love of vampires and superheroes. You'll also find her hanging with her family in the Chicago 'burbs'.