Lisa Nicholas

I’ve always called Michigan home, despite some deep family roots in Kentucky. When I was five, I asked for a typewriter for Christmas because I knew I wanted to write books. I realized then that the blank white space needed words, and panicked. These days the blank white space is on a computer screen instead of paper, and there’s usually less panic and better spelling. Usually.

My first love has always been for stories that have larger-than-life heroines and heroes fighting an epic battle against evil or having an epic romance–or even better, both. If I’m not writing, I’m feeding my story addiction any way I can: raiding Netflix, pillaging my local bookstore and library, and (most recently) tearing my way through the comics archive at Marvel. I live with a ridiculously adorable dog and possibly more cats than is sensible.

I also write short erotica and erotic romance for Selkie Sea Press under the name Jade Cain.

And you can contact me via Twitter or at [email protected].