Katherine Stone


Katherine Stone was born in Seattle, and, being a firstborn child (and a Virgo) set about plotting her life at a very young age. By five she'd decided she wanted to be a doctor, and at eleven, after writing her first short story, she decided that she'd love to be a writer, too. Someday. When the dust settled.

She attended Stanford, where she completed her pre-med requirements while majoring in English, and received her MD from the University of Washington. Following her internal medicine residency in San Francisco, she did a fellowship in infectious diseases in LA.

What remains one of the world's largest outbreaks of Legionnaires Disease coincided precisely with her fellowship, which gave her the opportunity to write and lecture on the mysterious new disease, and there was also romance in Los Angeles. It was there, during a spinal tap, that she met her future husband, physician and novelist Jack Chase. (Katherine was doing the lumbar puncture, and, although the patient was in no distress, she was having difficulty getting the needle into the spinal canal. Jack, as if a knight on a white charger, gallantly saved the day.)

The dust never settled. (Does it ever?) At some point, however, Jack wisely suggested, "Just do it." He bought her word processor to boot ...and boot she did. The result was what has become the distinctive Katherine Stone style: a marriage of lyrical prose, evocative emotion, and romance above all.

"There's nothing wrong with incurable romanticism," the physician cheerily asserts. "I love writing about nice people, who are giving life their best shot despite the sometimes monumental obstacles I place in their paths and who discover, despite those obstacles, the splendor and power of love."

Although Katherine has hung up her stethoscope for the moment, and is writing full time, her medical background is often evident in her books. "I very much enjoy sharing my passion for medicine — its drama, its emotion, and yes, its science — with my readers."