Vella Munn

Vella Munn now writes exclusively as Vella Munn but had a previous life as Dawn Flindt and Heather Williams.

Writing is in my blood, probably has been my entire life. I'll never regret growing up in an area too remote for TV reception to reach; that way I discovered books. Daydreaming my way through my childhood slowly evolved into a compelling need to put my thoughts, emotion, and imagination down on paper. I love to explore the human psyche, to ask my characters to decide what is most important in life and pursue those goals with everything in them. These days much of what I'm doing involves Native Americans, both past and present. I'm intrigued by their belief systems, their legends, stories, lifestyles. At the heart of all of my stories is romance, but its impossible to say the books follow a particular path because I'm constantly growing and evolving both as a writer and a human being. If something turns my crank and evokes a basic emotional response in me, that's what I want and need to write about. Hopefully my readers continue to be interested in the same journey.

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Books by Vella Munn

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What the World Needs Now…

Besides love? More book clubs! When I first came up with my idea for THE BEST LIFE BOOK CLUB, I thought I was being so original, so clever. A book about a book club – yes! And then, after I’d surfaced from my writing cave back into the sunlight, I blinked and saw… all kinds… Read More

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