Lara Adrian

As a child, Lara Adrian used to sleep with the covers up around her neck, afraid she might become the midnight prey of deadly vampires. Later on, under the influence of Bram Stoker and Anne Rice, she had to wonder if her fear wasn't actually something else: a secret desire to walk in a darker world, to live a dangerous and sensual dream with a man of seductive, preternatural power. It is that twining of fear and desire that fuels Lara's own fantasies today, and the idea that she explores in her Midnight Breed series of vampire romance novels from BantamDell Books.

With an ancestry stretching back to the Mayflower, Lara Adrian lives with her husband in coastal New England, surrounded by centuries' old graveyards, hip urban comforts, and the endless inspiration of the broody Atlantic Ocean.

Lara's books are available in mass market paperback and e-book through Bantam Dell, in limited edition hardcover through Doubleday Book Club, Rhapsody Book Club, and the Science Fiction Book Club. Additionally, Kiss of Midnight has been translated into Spanish for publication by Roca Editorial.

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