Cynthia D'Alba

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Cynthia D’Alba started writing on a challenge from her husband in 2006 and discovered having imaginary sex with lots of hunky men was fun. She was born and raised in a small Arkansas town. After being gone for a number of years, she’s thrilled to be making her home back in Arkansas living in a vine-covered cottage on the banks of an eight-thousand acre lake. When she’s not reading or writing or plotting, she’s doorman for her two dogs, cook, housekeeper and chief bottle washer for her husband and slave to a noisy, messy parrot. She... Read full bio

Books by Cynthia D'Alba

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A Secret Society of Women? Yes, Please

I am so excited about my new book, THE CROWN CONSPIRACY. Here’s a bit about the story: She’s a master at spotting a forgery . . . and knowing how to create one. But can she solve a decades-old mystery? The media spotlight is the last thing art thief and forger Sophie Williams needs. But… Read More

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