Crazy little thing called…Christmas

on December 2, 2016

by Jody Holford Christmas is one of my favorite times of year. Other than birthdays. I love the planning, buying, decorating, and definitely the eating. I like the long lazy day of getting up early, opening presents, having breakfast, and then just hanging out with the people I love. I always feel a bit sad… Read More

Jody Holford

Jody Holford

I'm a mom and wife first and many things after. I'm a best friend and a regular friend. A daughter, sister, auntie, a teacher, and maybe even... a writer. I am a book lover, a shopper, a pajama-wearer, movie-watcher, worrier, over-thinker, and a wanna-be-good-Samaritan. I'm a Gemini, a nervous talker, and an emotional writer. I am represented by Frances Black of Literary Counsel.