52 Weeks to Well-Being
Ask Peggy Book 2
by Peggy Doviak
Centerboard Press
Non-Fiction: Educational
May 23, 2023
Available in: Paperback, Trade Size
When an unscrupulous stockbroker took Peggy Doviak's mother to the cleaners, Peggy did not just get mad---she changed careers. She became a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professional, vowing to ensure that what had happened to her mother would never happen to a woman again. Now a bestselling author and syndicated radio host, Peggy invites you to Ask Peggy again---only this time, her focus is on the unique financial matters that you face in life as the queen of your home. In the clear, down-to-earth, conversational style that endeared her to readers in 52 WEEKS TO PROSPERITY, she provides the know-how and advice to help you reach well-being in your life. 52 WEEKS TO WELL-BEING is all about what you need to know to become queen of your finances, whether you are starting a business or caring for aging parents, planning for retirement or surviving widowhood or divorce, saving for a trip around the world or wanting to help with a child or grandchild's college education---or even your own! Peggy knows women need practical information that doesn't pander or intimidate---they want their money to do good and for them to feel good about their money. 52 WEEKS TO WELL-BEING delivers that and more.
When Peggy Doviak's mother got taken to the cleaners by an unscrupulous stockbroker, Peggy got mad. She was so angry that she changed careers from corporate training to financial planning because she wanted to ensure that what happened to her mother never happened to anyone else. Now, a best-selling personal finance author, syndicated radio host of "Ask Peggy About Your Finances," and host of podcast, "Ask Peggy About Your Money," Peggy Doviak is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTMpractitioner and financial consumer advocate. She travels to Capitol Hill with the Financial Planning Association to promote consumer finance issues and spent fifteen years teaching CFP certification classes and graduate courses in financial planning. Peggy's two personal finance books,52 Weeks to Prosperity: What Your Accountant, Banker, Broker and Financial Adviser Might Not Tell You and 52 Weeks to Well-Being: What a Woman Needs to Know to Become Queen of Her Finances are available through online sources or at your local bookstore. Her first cozy mystery, You Can't Cheat Death, featuring a crime-solving, horse-riding financial planner, is being released by The Wild Rose Press in 2024.