A Lady Of Talent

by Evelyn Richardson

Signet (Regency)

Historical Romance: Regency

February 1, 2005

ISBN-13: 0451210093

Available in: Paperback

A Lady Of Talent
by Evelyn Richardson

Portrait of Perfection

Sebastian, Earl of Charrington, was betrothed to a most suitable match, but it was another woman who claimed his heart. Fortunately for everyone, especially his fiancée, the lady in question was just a beauty in a painting—a woman he didn't even think existed in real life. But then Sebastian commissioned the artist of his favorite work to paint a portrait of his wife-to-be. And was shocked to discover that the painting was a self-portrait—and that the hired artist in front of him was none other than the hazel- eyed woman who haunted his dreams...

Evelyn Richardson's Bio

Even before studying eighteenth-century literature in graduate school, Evelyn Richardson decided she would prefer to have lived between 1775 and 1830. Now living in Boston, she enjoys access to the primary sources that allow her to explore the specific details of the period and immerse herself in the same journals that her heroines enjoyed.