Endless Heart

Heat #3

by Emma Lang

Samhain Publishing

Contemporary Romance, Contemporary Romance: Sensual

April 2, 2013

ISBN-10: 1619210568

ISBN-13: 9781619210561

Available in: Trade Size (reprint)

Read an Excerpt

Endless Heart
by Emma Lang

She’s learning to live. He’s forgotten how. Love will be their teacher.

Lettie Brown has lived in the shadow of violence. After escaping her brutal past, she’s finally at home in Forestville, Wyoming, where she would live a normal life—if she knew how. She’s content working at The Blue Plate and printing the town newspaper, if not happy. Then a stranger stumbles into her world and turns everything upside down.

Shane Murphy is a shell of a man, destroyed by the aftermath of the war, his personal tragedies and a penchant for cheap whiskey. When he lands, literally, on Lettie’s feet, his future takes a hard right turn.

As they fumble through a relationship that should not have been, a deep love takes root, one that cannot be denied. Together they discover a bond as unbreakable as steel and as undeniable as life itself—until the past rears its ugly head and threatens the happiness they’ve found in each other.

Emma Lang's Bio

Emma Lang lives just outside of Raleigh, North Carolina, with her husband and two sons. Born and raised in New York, she holds a B.F.A. in writing from New York University. You can learn more about her work on her website at bethwilliamson.com. She welcomes readers to contact her on her website or by e-mail.