As Shadows Fade

The Gardella Vampire Chronicles #5

by Colleen Gleason

Signet (Eclipse)

Paranormal Romance

March 3, 2009

ISBN-13: 9780451226327

Available in: Paperback

As Shadows Fade
by Colleen Gleason

Directly descended from the very first vampire hunter in the Gardella family, Victoria knows she must continue the lineage so humanity will have protectors against the undead.

While Sebastian Vioget appears to be both the perfect warrior and lover to ensure the Gardella Legacy, Victoria cannot forget Max Pesaro—the former slayer still haunted by the vampire queen Lilith's obsession with him.

But it is Lilith's obsession that may save all of humanity. Demons, enemies of both mortals and the undead, have found their way to earth. To defeat them, vampires and slayers must fight side by side. But Lilith wants Max in return for her cooperation ‐ a small price for the world, but too high a price for Victoria.

Colleen Gleason's Bio

I can't remember a time when I wasn't writing some kind of story—from the 6th-grade version of Gilligan's Island that starred my classmates and me, to the passed-around-the-classroom story of my friends in high school meeting our favorite rock band and the adventures that ensued, to my first real attempt at writing a full-length novel, which was in college (when I should have been studying).

Off and on over the years, during my career in health care and with small business start-ups, getting married, raising two dogs and three children, I wrote—sometimes finishing the book, sometimes moving on to greener pastures (ie, a different story. New. Exciting. Fresh!).

I recently became addicted to Buffy the Vampire Slayer (thank heaven for DVDs!), and thought... hmm...what would it be like if Buffy had been living during the times of balls and chaperones and the ton? And thus The Gardella Legacy was born.

The first book in the historical Gardella Legacy series of vampire hunters, The Rest Falls Away, will be released by Signet in January 2007, with the second volume following shortly after.