posted on June 17, 2015 by Jackie Braun

Sisters make the best friends

By Jackie Braun

REVENGE-BEST-SERVED-HOT-500x750 (1)Like the hero in Revenge Best Served Hot, I’m blessed with sisters. While Brody Flynn has two siblings, both much younger, and he had to step in and raise them after their parents’ death, I have three. They are all older than I am, and they helped raised me.

I’m the youngest of eight children and our mother was ill a lot when we were growing up. That meant my oldest sister was making meals to feed ten people by the time she was sixteen. My second oldest sister was responsible for bathing me and putting me to bed at night. As for the sister who is closest in age to me, she and I shared a bedroom. At night I used to climb into her bunk—she had the top one—and sleep with her when I was scared.

My sisters have been with me through every step of my writing career, too, cheering me on. I consider them my best friends. And so it’s bothered me that our lives have become so ridiculously busy lately that we haven’t had time to connect.

And by connect, I mean see each other in person. Texts, emails and even phone calls are great, but there’s nothing like a face-to-face visit—complete with hugs, conversation and laughter—to restore my sense of well-being.

The other day we finally had just such a get-together. It happened almost by accident and with very little planning. But lo and behold, the planets aligned and the four of us found ourselves at a restaurant having lunch. I’m still smiling.

We packed a great visit into the span of a mere hour. During that brief time we joked, teased and talked over one another as we always do. I was sorry to see it end, but we all had places to be, errands to run, jobs to return to and, in my case, kids to pick up from school.

We don’t get to pick out family. But if we did, I’d pick these three women to be my sisters anyway. To quote the song from the movie White Christmas: “Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters.”

Revenge Best Served Hot is available at Amazon, BN, iBooks, Kobo,,

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