Candles on the Beach: Book One

Sleeping in the Arms of a Sea Goddess

by Cyn Hadyn

Rebel Ink Press

Paranormal Romance, Historical Romance

August 26, 2014

ISBN-10: 1940315611

ISBN-13: 9781940315614

Available in: e-Book, Trade Size (reprint)

Candles on the Beach: Book One
by Cyn Hadyn

Edwina Webb is a 19th century New England woman with 21st century aspirations. She wants a career in shipping. Her father left her the business lock, stock and barrel and she’s determined to defy all social mores and make a go of it. To do so, she ruthlessly tricks a clipper ship captain and owner into signing a contract with her as a full partner to engage in a reciprocal trade between the United States and Brazil. Alexandre Joao Marshall, captain and owner of the clipper ship, Scoundrel, has a few challenges of his own. He is of mixed race, Portuguese-Brazilian and Japanese, and he has his entire worldly possessions sunk into this reciprocal trade venture with Webb Shipping and Warehousing. Having a woman for a financial partner seems a very unlucky beginning as it will seriously hinder business in the male-dominated Brazilian shipping industry. After fighting racial prejudice, a bout of malaria and a duel with a cousin determined to destroy his business, Alex throws in his cards and washes his hands of his female partner and his dreams.

Mortally embarrassed that her single-minded pursuit of a career has ended Alex’s, Edwina realizes she’s failed not only in business but in life as well. Her hasty solution is to fake her own death to escape Alex’s condemnation and start a more modest life where the Scoundrel’s captain can’t find her. When the ashes of their careers settle, Alex and Edwina realize they didn’t want success in business as much as they wanted love and acceptance. In self-imposed exile, Edwina struggles to deny her love for Alex by concentrating on her new life while Alex follows the dictates of his Japanese ancestry and attempts seppuku to rectify his loss of face. Fortunately, the sea goddess Lemanja listens to the pleas of Edwina and Alex’s loyal friends, who have lighted numerous candles on the beach in petition of her intercession, and grants the star-crossed couple one last chance to work out their differences face-to-face.

Orignally published February 2014 in eBook format.

Cyn Hadyn's Bio

Cyn Hadyn, a career historian with Hungarian/Viking nomadic roots, goes balmy in Florida and has delusions of writing. How’s that for a current biography? Yeah, sounds silly but it’s true. I’m a transplanted Yankee living way south of the Mason-Dixon Line and enjoying the feeling of thin blood, sand, sun, and palm trees. I’ve sworn off snow, bare trees, brown grass, and real Italian food. Uh, not so much the Italian food. Still would sacrifice a small digit for authentic Italian cuisine a la Philly, Trenton, or New York.

Before settling down to write full time in the land of ’bless your heart, and y’all’, I was a Special Operations (US Army and US Marines) military historian/archivist. Now I collect a retirement check and write paranormal/historical romance. I guess my service with Army and Marine Special Operations left an indelible impression on my writing, because my characters, both male and female, are distinctly Spec Ops in their outlook. They leave no man behind, color outside the lines, and are very, very lethal. If you Google Cyn Hadyn, you’ll find my books range from paranormal to historical. I’ve also pushed the envelope a little by including Erotica and BDSM. Which brings me to my latest book, OFF TRACK, published by Decadent Publishing under the pseudonym C. L. Hadyn.

Another book about to appear under the name Cyn Hadyn is NULL SANCTION, published in eBook format by Rebel Ink. NULL SANCTION is a paranormal romance that gives a nod to my Hungarian roots. Although I haven’t included any distantly related vampires, there are one or two werewolves you might find interesting.

If you have a taste for the paranormal or historical romance, I would love to hear from you via Hadyn or