How to Add a Book

Here you’ll find instructions on how to add or edit your book(s) in our database. If you have trouble, please call 800-315-1666 or fill out the form here.

Step 1: Go to My Books Tab

After you’ve logged into your account, click on the tab labeled “My Books”

Step 2: Click Add Book

To the far right of the tabs, you’ll see a red button that says “Add Book.” Click there.

Step 3: Fill In Book Info

Follow the form instructions to fill in all of your book information including title, pub date, isbns, etc. “Amazon only” is selected only if you’re running a special promo that gives Amazon exclusive rights to sell for a period of time.

Step 4: Available For Sale Section

Like the “Amazon-only” box, this section is used only in the case of special promotions where the book is temporarily removed from being on sale at one or more sites. Most of the time, leave this section as-is, even if your book isn’t currently available on one of the platforms.

Step 5: Add Genres

Click on the down arrow to choose the first genre for your book. You may add as many genres as applicable by clicking the + button to add another genre. If you wish your book to appear on the Killer Books site as well, you must choose at least one genre under Mystery.

Step 6: Click Add Book

Fill in the appropriate boxes. “Short blurb/Tagline” is for short taglines or review quotes. “Summary” is for your book blurb. Finally, click “Browse” to upload the cover image for your book. Covers should be at least 350 pixels high.